Authorpreneur Dashboard – Kelli Ann Pizarro

Kelli Ann Pizarro

The Price of Remission

Literature & Fiction

Along with Teagan Oshea's seventeenth birthday came the typical expectations of most every early 19th century English girl on the brink of womanhood. Coming out in society and finding love were things Teagan had eagerly anticipated. Falling for a fellow member of the Society of Friends, Benjamin Shorten, is just the excitement her young heart longs for. As secret meetings and innocent emotions keep her heart full of hope for a future of romance, will Benjamin's sinful desires leave her robbed of her innocence? With each passing day, Glover Hood grows more fond of his beautiful cousin Teagan. When his business partner also falls for Teagan's feisty spirit and pure heart, each man begins to pursue her as his own. But unbeknownst to either gentleman, Teagan holds a secret which may prevent her from ever loving any man. As Teagan endures the consequences of another's worst sins, battles depression, and yearns for forgiveness, will she realize that God has not truly forsaken her? Will she learn to embrace a life that is far from what she had planned?

Book Bubbles from The Price of Remission

Handling Unforeseen Grief

Everyone, at some point in their lives, must face the consequence of another's sin. This can leave us feeling alone, even abandoned by God. Teagan's struggle is not unlike that of many who have suffered the same injustice. The heartfelt cry of a suffering Christian is not always a pious, "Father, forgive them!" It sometimes comes out as more of a war cry, the heart battling against the bitterness striving to take root and the soul begging for relief from anguish. Teagan is faced with the same test as many saints before her. Will she adhere to the truths of God's word and allow God to work all things out for her good, or will she allow her pain to drown out any blessings that may have come from her persecution?

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