Authorpreneur Dashboard – Keating Lewis Simons

Keating Lewis Simons


Science Fiction & Fantasy

Go to work. Get paid. Sing some karaoke. That's all Danny wanted out of his Friday night. But when he finds an old friend of his father's waiting at his house, he learn a dangerous truth: Humanity faces destruction and Danny has been selected to lead the fight,

Book Bubbles from Emergence

The power of a Guardian

When Earth becomes overrun, Danny is called upon to save lives.

Mysteries of Infinitas

Though his skills as a Guardian have grown during training, Danny must reconcile the fact that there are still many dangers lurking in the realm of Infinitas.

Danny's trust

As part of his nature, Danny has little trust for those other than his close friends. It's not that he is blindly distrustful of everybody, he believes that trust is earned. Earlier Samuel had offered Danny undeniable proof of what he was telling him still, as defined by his nature, Danny is skeptical. This moment in the book depicts Danny in rare form. Instead of rushing into things, he calmly processes what is being told to him before agreeing to go along with Samuel. It is his first step in becoming a Guardian.

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