Authorpreneur Dashboard – Kamery Solomon

Kamery  Solomon

Zeus (Book One of The God Chronicles)


Vegas is not where Karly had imagined herself to be at this point in her life.She was supposed to be living in California, soaking up the sun and enjoying the life of an artist. Instead, she's just moving out of her parent's house and going to a school that could loosely be called her second choice. When she meets Zeus Drakos, owner of the new hit casino and resort in town, he seems just like every other jerk guy out there. How was she supposed to know who he really was?

Book Bubbles from Zeus (Book One of The God Chronicles)

A sneak peek into the world of ZEUS

Zeus is the first book in The God Chronicles series and an Amazon best seller. It received several nominations, including Best Sugar Shock Book of 2013, Best Male Character, Best Laugh Out Loud Book, and Best Cover. Find out why readers are falling head over heels for the King of the Gods!

Big Apple Dreams


Marama Adams knows without a doubt that she is meant to be a Broadway performer. Unable to wait any longer, she’s finally moved to the city from the west coast, ready for all her dreams to come true. She’s certain that her talent, work ethic, and positive thinking will land her on a stage in no time. Before she can really sink into the work though, Chris Williams, a handsome city native, steps in and begins to claim her heart. At the same time, her roommate’s brother, Evan Robbins, seems to want more than friendship from her. Will she be able to balance between her dreams and love?

Book Bubbles from Big Apple Dreams

My Very Own Big Apple Dream

A lot of authors grow up knowing writing is what they want to do, but not me! In the fifth grade, I listened to an original cast recording of The Phantom of the Opera and that was it-I wanted to be a Broadway performer. Over the years, I had a lot of opportunities to follow my dream. Some of them I took, others I decided to let slide by. I've never regretted any of my choices, but I still hold that desire to follow my dream. Big Apple Dreams is part of the way I'm doing just that. Mara is very much me in a lot of ways, but she has her own story to tell as well!

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