Authorpreneur Dashboard – Julie Ann Hacker

Julie Ann Hacker

The Dead Dance Faster - Unsacred Awakening

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

When Jael Mancuso decides she needs to get away from a bad relationship and explore her lost spiritual roots, she quits her job and moves to Seven Hills. The unrelenting, mystery-seeking Jael stumbles upon a misguided trip back into her inherited religious childhood where she's forced to live its delinquencies in her present. A quagmire of secrecy unfolds. Her mind boggles under the dense, manipulative charade of the spiritually reprobate. Unable to resist Jael’s charm and wit, Shane follows her into the story of her life. He discovers the intensity of a Screaming Ego’s lure and the seductive persuasion it can wield into the thoughts of one or many. Once they step into this spiritual realm, they can’t avoid the shrouded mind of Pastor Thomas Jude. His fundamental authority of those whom have accepted and justified their own deep and miry entanglement of religion will unfold before your eyes.

Book Bubbles from The Dead Dance Faster - Unsacred Awakening


Who loves a delicious, mystical conspiracy? THIS woman does!!! And, Jael, The Dead Dance Faster's inspired protag. Check out this excerpt and tag along with her. She'll catapult you into a creeping quagmire of mystical conspiracy winding back hundreds of years. This lil piece of a chapter is tame to what you'll find inside the tale. Jael is an incredibly fun character to write. Many days she exhausted me...and inspired me to keep moving forward. In TDDF book #2, she becomes even more intriguing and continues to challenge my every nerve. I love her!!! The brazen spirit.

Let the Spirits Flow

Thomas Jude's smile sets the service in motion. One glint beneath the edge of his brow from underneath his blackened lashes; his dark brown eyes fleck with gold against the low slung lights, steady ahead on one face in the packed sanctuary. Everyone understands it's their face at which he stares. Somehow he's able to do that; he makes each good servant swaddle in their seat, oh, the connection he makes, with every one of them, setting the stage for his determination. Jude, what a character to write. But what a fun pleasure it's been. He returns in book #2 with a vengeance.

Jael's Desire

Jael's desires drive her into the sleepy, creepy town of Seven Hills, where all of her confounding mystery takes form under the manipulative guise of Jude.

Absorbing Love

Jael's desires drive her into a quagmire of revelation, mystery, and thrills.

My Name is Sacrifice

My Name is Sacrifice

Literature & Fiction

A conversation with Sacrifice. Raw & unedited.

Book Bubbles from My Name is Sacrifice

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