Authorpreneur Dashboard – Joshua Viola

Joshua  Viola

The Bane of Yoto

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Some say the Arbitrators existed long before the world was born. Others believe their dark powers spun the fabric of time itself. They are mystery. But here is truth: After ages of formless existence, the Arbitrators craved physicality once more. In their search for a worthy body to inhabit, they destroyed the world Ajyin – home of the gentle, blue-fleshed Numah and the combative, carapaced Olokun. But not all was lost. General Vega and his vile Olokun warriors enslaved the remaining Numah. They relocated to Neos, Ajyi's thriving moon. There, under Vega's imperious rule, the Numah toiled to extract minerals for a defensive barrier called the Aegis Shield. It would protect Neos from the Arbitrator’s return, the General vowed. However, the Arbitrators' hunger sparked a great fire – a blaze of revenge and revolution that soon found its home in the heart of Yoto, a weak and cowardly Numah. Now Yoto’s days of cowardice are over. He is transformed, a powerful and dangerous being beyond Vega’s control... ...And the Arbitrators' dark presence haunts the world of Numah and Olokun once more...

Book Bubbles from The Bane of Yoto

Embracing Power

When given something powerful, beyond comprehension, how would you handle it? For good or for evil?


A hero doesn't matter in the context of a story without a strong villain. I think we succeeded. It's really up to you to decide, but here's a snippet of the primary villain character, Vega, in the Bane of Yoto series. vil•lain [vil-uhn] noun 1. a cruelly malicious person who is involved in or devoted to wickedness or crime; scoundrel.


The Bane of Yoto tells the story of two brothers, Yoto and Eon, and their undeniable love for one another in the harshest of times - despite their obvious differences. This is the foundation of the novel. It is a reflection of the real-life relationship that exists between myself and my own brother - and I hope you enjoy it.


When a mythical dagger is plunged into his chest, Yoto is transformed from a meek member of an enslaved society into a beast fit for the gods. Will he use his power to free his people... or annihilate them?

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