Authorpreneur Dashboard – Michele Wheeler

Michele  Wheeler

The Throbbing Moon and the Three Season Tango

Biographies & Memoirs

What does it mean to be told in your life’s prime this time the cancer is terminal? For author Michele Wheeler – a gifted scientist, a born leader and intrepid environmentalist, and a caring mother, wife, sister, and daughter – it means you focus what strength, intelligence, and will you have remaining to offer the world yet one more extraordinary gift.

The Throbbing Moon and the Three Season Tango is a stunningly beautiful, viscerally penetrating, and unforgettable gift to us all, regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs and regardless of whether or not our lives have been touched by cancer. 

The memoir of a magnificent woman who, at the end of a life that has changed so many lives for the better, asks us all to see the beauty in one another. And the memoir calls to a deeper belief in ourselves – that whatever disappointments, anguish, and uncertainty life brings – we have the strength and ability to summon gratitude, compassion, and acceptance to see our way through. Our better angels are already here.

Book Bubbles from The Throbbing Moon and the Three Season Tango

Raw and Emotional, Simply Amazing!

Elizabeth LeClair shared the 53rd review for this incredible memoir on Amazon. (If you haven't read it yet, I invite you to do so. ) It may sound strange to say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading a memoir written by a young woman while she was dying of cancer. While THE THROBBING MOON AND THE THREE SEASON TANGO was extremely sad, it was equally uplifting. I came away loving Michele, her friends, family, community and wanting to hear more about their lives. I especially wanted to hear more of Michele’s reflections on motherhood, science, the great outdoors, and how she honestly and fiercely faced her cancer. I wanted to be around this person who had such a love of life, positive energy and honesty, hoping to absorb some of her spirit. Michele’s recounting of her experiences as a cancer patient heightened my sensitivity to the needs of cancer patients; hopefully, I can learn from Michele and her friends on how to be a support for others at such a time. Reading this memoir was like sitting and having a wonderful visit with a wise, witty sensitive friend. Her use of the metaphor of dancing the tango under a full moon raises this book to more than a memoir to a piece of literature. I wish I could have had more visits with Michele.

Letting People In

As "mlp" shares on her Amazon review of The Throbbing Moon and the Three Season Tango, she first "met" author Michele Wheeler through her blog posts... "I first became familiar with Michele’s writing through her blog “A Crack in the Wall” close to the same time that my mom was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma 1 1/2 years ago. Her writing resonated deeply with me, both in relation with mom’s cancer journey and my own personal experience as a health care provider. I always looked forward to the personal stories she shared about her experience, and deep inner thoughts of living with cancer. But being a good blog writer does not mean that necessarily translates into being a good author of books. Excitedly, I started reading “The Throbbing Moon and the Three Season Tango” and I could NOT put it down. I soaked up every chapter and was sad to see it end. Michele walks you through her personal journey of “cancering” in a very engaging way and unfolds for the reader her take charge approach to this difficult path she did not choose. I found myself both laughing and crying at several points in the book. It brought me pause and consideration of several aspects of my own life.

Profound and touching

Amazon reviewer, Heidi, sums up The Throbbing Moon and the Three Season Tango perfectly by sharing: "This beautifully written memoir is about so much more than cancer. It's about the connections that make us who we are and about the changes that happen deep within us when we "leap from vine to vine" trying to get to the other side of a seemingly impossible life-altering challenge." Author Michele Wheeler takes readers on this journey with her. The thoughtful reflections and reviews from readers are profound. "What a beautiful and heartwarming book… revealing the intense struggles of living with cancer. Wheeler is able to share the most intimate and vulnerable moments of her life in a very transparent and lovely way, bringing light and joy into the darkness. How amazing to have the awareness that others would need her to share this, and fortitude to guide them through her journey which would likely mirror so many others’. Whether you are personally “cancering”, supporting someone who is, or just want to live a more meaningful life, full of intention and love, this book is for you." - Sharon Frazey (Amazon reviewer)

Powerful and Insightful.

"Michele’s memoir is an honest and heart wrenching read as she weaves the reader in and out of her journey with breast cancer with humility and grace. Her story takes the reader through the grueling inevitable whirlwind of decisions, treatments and relationships which becomes her reality The pinnacle of the narrative for me was when she realized it was crucial to her well being to be able to let go of trying to control cancer and instead let herself live her life with hope, acceptance and thanks. Michele lived her life to the absolute fullest and took on the cancer world with such amazing intellect, bravery and humor. There is no script for “cancering”. One can only do their best, forgive those who say the wrong thing, or nothing at all and accept the inevitable when it is time." - Warren Casey

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