Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jonathan Creaghan

Jonathan  Creaghan

Thinking Differently about... Getting More Done

Business & Investing

Move beyond managing your time to managing your mind, and achieve more in today's fast paced "get'er done now" world! Examine the connection between how perception, thought, and time impact your behavior and getting your goals and needs achieved. Stop over thinking and get more done. What if getting more done was about finding accumulated lost minutes across the day? - Achieve more in less time - Remain calm and clear-headed when making critical decisions - Enjoy your life to its fullest This book is short and simple for a reason, you will not find heavy academic jargon that take up pages to explain, but rather, you will find language that generates clarity and understanding. You will also find practical steps and real life scenarios from people who have made change and improvements to their lives. The first part of the book delves into what part of the mind actually gets in the way of working effectively. The next part of the book examines where within the mind you can find incredible energy, creativity and truth, and how to access this “level of mind” to find hours in the week.

Book Bubbles from Thinking Differently about... Getting More Done

Ways We Make S#!t Up

The Thinking Mind loves to make excuses, tells stories, or even tries to perform mind reading during meetings, or just daily communications. When you let your Thinking Mind take over, key pieces of information are missed in conversations as it only half listens - it's too busy trying to find an opening for when to jump in with a response. If you let your Thinking Mind direct most of your thoughts, then wrong decisions are made resulting in time wasted for all parties. We all have a Thinking Mind, it's our EGO.

Let child's play interrupt your work

Go ahead read that book to your son or daughter. Got ahead get on the floor and race some cars, even let them bang into the walls. It really won't take as much time as you think, and the pay off never goes away. You'll return to work with a smile, refocused, and able to see that project/task with fresh eyes. So don't let your Thinking Mind stop you, 5 to 10 minutes of playing/connecting time with you is all they really want.

How a simple email created chaos at work

Are you ready to move beyond managing your time to discover a better way of achieving your goals during the day? Everybody knows about time management. I felt it was important to write about the next frontier, which is managing your mind - thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Which in fact can create lost minutes in a day, if you let them consume you. As you read the scenario, you will discover how a misinterpreted email ended up taking someone away from from their work, concentration, and even carried over into their home life. Learn what he could have done to turn those lost minutes into more productive time. Turn those lost minutes into hours in a week. What would you do with those extra hours?

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