Authorpreneur Dashboard – John G Noel

John G Noel

Finding Mr. Right

Parenting & Relationships

Are you still searching for the man you deserve? Do you wish you could find Mr. Right without a bunch of rules and tactics? Ever wish there was a no nonsense way to get the romance you always wanted? There are a lot of dating books out there. Some tell you to work on an elevator pitch. Some try to convince you to follow dumb rules that leave you miserable and drained. Some books want to make you a different person altogether. I’m not interested in any of that. I guarantee that this book does not contain any fancy sexual positions. There are no passages that tell you what to say. I’m not going to waste your time telling you how to be someone you’re not for a guy who will dump you the second you show him who you really are. This is your book. This journey is all about you.

Book Bubbles from Finding Mr. Right

This is where it all begins...

I don't think this process should be complicated, and I don't think we should treat love like war. This preface is all about laying out my no-nonsense philosophy to love and getting the reader in the right mindset. I hope you enjoy it.

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