Authorpreneur Dashboard – John Kerry

John  Kerry

Eden at the Edge of Midnight

Science Fiction & Fantasy

The Vara of Yima, the original Garden of Eden, sealed from the rest of the world and populated with the fittest of men and women. A secret paradise that 150 years ago became ravaged by smog that choked out the skies. Now the Vara exists in a permanent state of darkness and its people need a champion, a chosen one to save them from the smog that threatens to fill the realm and poison its inhabitants. That’s what they needed. They got Sammy Ellis instead. She isn’t important enough for her dad to stick around for, never mind saving a realm or junk like that. Her only responsibility was to help the chosen one open the gateway into the Vara, but not only has she entered the realm in their place, she’s also locked them out in the process. Stuck in a twilight land of giant mushrooms, pursued by dark forces and still in her pyjamas, being unimportant back in the real world is starting to seem way more attractive.

Book Bubbles from Eden at the Edge of Midnight

Sammy arrives in Perseopia

Sammy has unlocked the Midnight Emerald Dial and finds herself plunged into the Fungi Forest, a forest of giant glowing mushrooms. This is our first look at Perseopia, the secret realm hidden from earth by the ancient Zoroastrian god, Ahura Mazda.

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