Authorpreneur Dashboard – Joel Alan Maloney

Joel Alan Maloney

Breakfast Ball

Literature & Fiction

Brad Stephens is an outwardly successful businessman in his early fifties. When the recession hits, he is devastated by events beyond his control. His good friend, professional golfer, John Linden, provides him with a major economic opportunity. Only problem is, Linden is no longer a millionaire. Brad and Linden are determined to find out what went wrong and discover the truth--a truth that may very well get both of them killed.

Book Bubbles from Breakfast Ball

Opening Chapter Breakfast Ball

I started writing Breakfast Ball because I wanted to empathize with the plight of much of the dwindling middle class in America. Having been one of the architects of residential mortgage lending for the past 34 years, I thought I was in a unique position to comment on many of the sad, crazy and common elements of the recent recession. I also love golf and thought it would be fun and uplifting to combine the sport that was the fastest growing over the past 30 years (now shrinking actually) into a fun fictional novel with a message: You Deserve a Second Shot at Success. Hence the novel: Breakfast Ball, which is another expression for taking a mulligan (a second shot without penalty in golf).

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