Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jim Liston

Jim  Liston

Invasion of Privacy and Other Short Stories

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Someone could be watching you, right now, as you sit at your computer. You think you're alone and you expect to have a certain amount of privacy, but there's a good chance your computer isn't safe. It's one of the easiest things for a hacker to do. They can turn your webcam on, without you knowing, and watch everything you do. Jim and his team of computer hackers are searching for a killer. They know they're invading your privacy and it's illegal, but they don't care. If you have nothing to hide don't worry, they'll move on soon enough.

Book Bubbles from Invasion of Privacy and Other Short Stories

Someone is Watching You as You Sit at Your Compute

Everyone thinks that their alone and safe while sitting at the computer, but someone could easily hack into your webcam and be watching your right now. You wouldn't even know it.

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