Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jim Good

Jim  Good

Borrowed Bibles-03092014

Book Bubbles from Borrowed Bibles-03092014

Borrowed Bibles

Religion & Spirituality

During the 1940s in Arkansas the very young Jim Good learned from his father’s sermons that drinking Coke was a sin, but drinking Royal Crown was not. He learned to love Jesus and that God wanted segregation. By the age of twenty, he had moved thirty-one times and attended thirteen schools.

Book Bubbles from Borrowed Bibles


Over and above any religious purpose, there were strong social benefits in talking in tongues, dancing and rolling on the floor. They were very poor farmers with no other entertainment outlets such as movIes or radios so their church service was their entertainment. And the rhythm hammered out by the piano served the same purpose as drumming in some tribal societies–--it helped induce a trance. Another benefit in speaking in tongues was that the speaker could utter virtually anything without any recrimination since it was believed that god ultimately caused the uttering. I think wives in particular used this opportunity to speak their minds without fearing recrimination from their husbands.

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