Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jen Smith

Jen  Smith


Biographies & Memoirs

Small time drug deals, following the Grateful Dead, and a passion for growing pot filled Jen’s world before she met Greg. But the first time she got off a flight, strolled over to the baggage claim in her carefully chosen new outfit and picked up two brand new flowered suitcases filled with eighty pounds of Mexican swag pot, she felt like she had found her true calling in life. The adrenaline rush of getting away with something big along with the money Jen would make was a new kind of high she’d never before experienced. She was instantly addicted. Making money organizing drug runs around the country was intense. Greg and Jen were a money making duo like none other. Life with Greg was exciting for a while but it wasn’t long before it became a cat and mouse game – then a complete nightmare. Jen’s not sure at what moment she stepped through the denial that allowed her to think she could continue living this life and her baby would be okay. Perhaps the morning she opened the computer room door to find Greg smoking crack while playing with a semi automatic Uzi, or maybe it was a few days later when she was fixing the bullet holes in the roof. Could there be a way out? Will Jen find a way to spare her son from this drug infested violent existence that would surely crush his soul?

Book Bubbles from SICK

Cat and Mouse Game

Hindsight is 20-20 they say. I had no idea how my life was slowly slipping into a vortex of hell. My life would end up being the only thing left that I had to go-all-in on a game that had many potential endings. All most all of them bad. The odds were against me.

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