Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jennifer Rego

Jennifer  Rego

Thoughts on Life


Thoughts on Life, Random and Otherwise shares the author’s unique perspective on life while continually inviting the reader to reflect on their own personal life experiences, biases, and set thought patterns. Meant to inspire change in the reader’s daily life and actions, as well as entertain, this book is written in a powerfully direct, yet uplifting, poetic and at times, humorous way.

Book Bubbles from Thoughts on Life

Supporting Charities Can Be Free To You!

It is important to support the causes you fee passionate about, both for you and for the charity. You don't even have to lay out any money from your own pockets. There are places that will donate for you based on your activities. Amazon has a sister site called Just go there instead of regular, log in like normal, select a charity, and bam - every time you shop, Amazon will donate a % of your purchases to the charity for you. GoodSearch is a search engine that allows you to log in, select a charity, and every time you search you earn a penny for that charity. It's called passive income, and charities really appreciate it, and it literally costs you nothing! So what are you waiting for - go shop on AmazonSmile today. If you want, you can support my favorite charity, Heart of Ganesh, by going to this link (cut


GMO labeling is a hot topic these days, but it's also a great distraction from another disturbing issue – the issue of food ownership. The more that the bio-engineering companies can keep us focused on the "safety" issue, which they can fight with their legion of paid scientists, the less people even contemplate the fact that these companies are slowing patenting our food supply. When they have finally wiped out our heritage (natural) food supply, they are going to literally own us. As farmers become more and more dependent on these patented seeds, and it becomes illegal for them to save and replant seeds from their own harvest, the bio-engineers will be able to set any price they want. They may even start suing home gardeners. Don't laugh; they've already tried (unsuccessfully) to enact laws that make growing your own food illegal. So even if you think GMOs are safe, think about how one day our entire food supply will be owned by a few mega food companies. In my mind, that is reason enough not to support them.

The personal touch can mean so much.

I long for the days when it wasn't quite so easy to get an update on someone's life. Before social media, texting and email, friends needed to meet in person or speak via the phone to get updates on their lives. Then when you got together, you had new and interesting things to say. Today, everyone is posting and texting their life stories moment to moment, real time, so there’s no more mystery or anticipation. Does knowing tidbits about someone's daily activities really mean you know them? It certainly isn’t like getting to know them by spending time with them. Since I've kept myself off of social media as much as possible, I am usually unaware of my friends instant life updates. They may have posted it, but I'm happy to wait and hear it from them in person while slowly sipping a nice cup of tea and giving them my full attention.

Be an agent of change

Without consumers creating cash flow for a company, that company can't exist. This makes you, the consumer, quite powerful. Your opinion, combined with social media, can create change in companies. Does a company abuse animals? Do they pay workers below minimum wage? Do they support sustainable farming practices? These are just some of the questions you can ask when you decide to become, or not become, a customer of a specific company. Be vocal about it, too - let them know your opinion so they can earn your business.

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