Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jennifer Lancaster

Jennifer  Lancaster

Creative Ways with Money (Know your Finances, #3)

Business & Investing

Be on your guard. Swift talkers, seminar spruikers, Bitcoin clones, and work-at-home ‘opportunities’ want to rob you of your potential to create wealth. Read Creative Ways with Money if you’re tired of the hype and promises, and instead want to learn ways to: • spot a fake and invest elsewhere • invest in shares with just $5 to spare • start a side business • start to think creatively about your money zone So come along, bring your fears and anxieties out of the dark cupboard. Find out why you should make your own financial choices, confidently, to design your life the way you want it to be.

Book Bubbles from Creative Ways with Money (Know your Finances, #3)

Investing Emotions.

We look at investing through the lens of the Uber Tech IPO, as well as using more EQ in our investing decisions. Learn about normative influence in investing versus using logic and foresight.

Going Against the Tide

This is from Chapter 3: Mastering your Negative Emotions When Investing. We look in to the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO); fear of making a loss; fear of making a mistake in investment. With this information, you will be on the lookout and try to "break the spell of social influence".

Personal influence in corporations

I use the story of Brad Cooper and the HIH saga to illustrate that even large companies cannot be trusted. We then look at the banking scandal, aka The Royal Commission into Banking and Finance. This story illustrates that insolvencies (and wiping out of consumers' funds) can happen at any level.

Stocks Scam Victim story

Learn from my experience with a stock investing scam. Don't let this happen to you.

Are you aware of price anchoring...?

In the chapter 'Sales Tactics', we delve into a few different ways that some salespeople get you to buy stuff. What price are you paying for being unaware of this?

Learning from Expert Scammers

Why learn about how seminar spruikers and scammers work? Why find out that large companies can fail people as equally as small? Simply, it will help protect your nest egg from scams and money pits.

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