Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jen Naumann

Jen  Naumann

zombies ePub

Book Bubbles from zombies ePub

Paranormal Keepers


Everyone thinks Harper Young killed her boyfriend. No one will say it to her face, but the signs are everywhere. It’s almost been a year since Gavin was torn from Harper’s arms and brutally murdered. The police wrote it off as a freak accident, deciding Harper’s strange testimony was given under duress. But she knows something unnatural was involved and refuses to stop looking until she finds his killer, even if it means her reputation as a senior is ruined. Even if it means there really are monsters living among us. With the discovery of the mothmen, witches, vampires and all the creatures she always suspected were out there, Harper finds herself amidst a complex bundle of unseen heroes who call themselves "Keepers", sworn to keep the secret of the paranormal creatures that walk this earth. As she tries to understand what’s so special about her that she’s able to break an old Keeper law, Harper has a baffling vision of kissing a mysterious guy before a blade is brought down on him. Before she can get a handle on her future, she becomes central to a battle between the questionable “heroes” and the evil she’s been training to fight, leaving her to wonder if there’s any way to change the fate that has been foretold before it’s too late.

Book Bubbles from Paranormal Keepers

Ouija boards

I've never actually touched a ouija board. I remember our pastor saying something when I was little about how we're not to play with them. As I grew older, I started to believe there must really be something to them if he had to warn us because we were Lutheran, and could get by with a lot of stuff. Some of my friends played with them one time, and it really freaked me out. Now that I'm into paranormal things, I'd like to give it a try. But I'm still chicken since I believe they may hold some kind of mystical power.

On being an outcast...

I wanted to break past the stereotypical heroine who's shy and a total victim. Harper knows she's been exiled because of the unusual circumstances surrounding her boyfriend's death. She learns to deal with it in her own way.

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