Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jen Adair

Jen  Adair

Bossy: Online Startups for Kids and Teens

Education & Reference

t only takes one idea, and age is not a factor! The internet makes business accessible to everyone - even kids and teenagers! This book will help young "CEOs To Be" learn how to be their own boss and build a business that will inspire them to never back down on their dreams. This is the young people's version of LinkedKin: How to Help Your Child Start a Tech Business. Apps, websites, ebooks, and YouTube are all covered - among other things every business person needs to know! Grab a chair and your laptop and start building your business!

Book Bubbles from Bossy: Online Startups for Kids and Teens

A Little Crafty

Kids and teens usually have a desire to DO something. Crafts like decals, t-shirts, etc...are a natural fit for them to start something new!

LinkedKin: How to Help Your Child Start a Tech Business

Business & Investing

All I did was ask the kids what kind of project they would like to do. I thought they might say they wanted to learn pottery or paint a canvas or build a go kart. Nope. They wanted to build an iPhone app. That’s how it began. I didn’t even know how to start. Not a clue. So, I did what everyone does. I Googled it. There was actually a lot of information on how to tackle this little adventure, and I thought, well…why not? I thought it would be a fun thing for them to do. I thought it would be cool to have an app on iTunes. I thought it would be great to learn this process together. I didn’t think it would change my life. I was wrong. That one experience with my kids lead us to build more apps, create websites, and publish ebooks. They have learned how to build their own Minecraft mods and have made animations with Blender. I even started my own business building apps and websites for other people. Build something with your kids and you'll learn about each other, about technology, and about business. One idea is all it takes.

Book Bubbles from LinkedKin: How to Help Your Child Start a Tech Business

Start at the beginning...

A good place to start is at the beginning. Having some sort of plan when you start a business or when you help your child start a business is just common sense. It doesn't have to be an in-depth conversation, but it will help set the stage for good habits down the road.

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