Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jeffrey R Orenstein

Jeffrey R Orenstein

Fixing American Government

Politics & Social Sciences

This non-partisan book by a political scientist turned journalist explores the causes of gridlock and provides practical answers on how to fix American Government and end gridlock and citizen apathy with a 21st century constitution that puts democracy to work in America --at last! Fixing American Government is a must read for political activists, office-holders and would-be office holders, political pundits and bloggers, journalists on the politics and government beat, college-level American Government specialists, civics teachers, campaign consultants and anybody who wants to know why American government doesn't work very well. The book details practical ways we can start to fix things and return functioning democracy to American government.

Book Bubbles from Fixing American Government

We need real deocracy

We think we are a democratic government. And, in part, we are. But unless and until the American public can go to their polling places and either elect or un-elect the sitting government--all of it--we fall short on a critical dimension of democracy. To the extent we frustrate majority rule, we empower the tyranny of the minority,

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