Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jean Henry Mead

Jean Henry Mead

Mystery of the Black Cross

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

Two women discover a crude black cross painted on their door. When the amateur sleuths investigate, they learn they've been marked for arson and murder along with a number of others. A questionable detective arrives to allegedly protect them as mystery swirls around the Black Cross anarchist group which is terrorizing the local area. When the men in their lives disappear, the sleuths hole up in a remote mountain cabin with enough ransom money to free their men, but they're hunted down themselves and wind up on a Wyoming ranch as prisoners of the Black Cross group, with a surprising conclusion.

Book Bubbles from Mystery of the Black Cross

Hiding in a Remote Cabin

I always like to add a bit of romance and humor to my mystery novels. When my two amateur women sleuths help Dana's fiance escape the hospital before the killer(s) have a chance to finish him off, Sarah's boyfriend drives them to his remote cabin in the Laramie Mountains to hide.The cabin has no running water or electricity and they learn to rough it until their hiding place is discovered.

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