Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jean Marie Bauhaus

Jean Marie Bauhaus

Restless Spirits


Veronica “Ron” Wilson has her whole life behind her. At least, that’s what she comes to realize soon after waking up in the mysterious house she had come to investigate. A paranormal investigator by trade, Ron now finds herself investigating her own death with the help of a handful of helpful friendly ghosts -- and one who’s just a pain in the rear-end. Ron soon discovers that she and her fellow ghosts aren’t the house’s only inhabitants. They’re all at the mercy of an entity named Sarah, who looks like a cute and innocent kid, but is in fact the reason each and every one of them died. Now Sarah keeps them prisoner and makes them her playthings, until she gets tired of them and… well, it turns out you can kill someone who’s already dead. Or at least Sarah can. With the help of her still-living sister, a psychic medium who can talk to the dead, Ron and her ghostly housemates must unlock all of the mysteries that the house has to offer and find the way to defeat Sarah once and for all. Only then will they be free to move on to the other side. But is Ron really ready to go, especially now that she knows there’s a lot of living to do after death?

Book Bubbles from Restless Spirits

Extended Preview

Want more? For an extended preview of Ron Wilson's ghostly encounters, sign up to get a free download the first five chapters of Restless Spirits:

The Bond between Sisters

Despite the romantic interests and relationships highlighted in this series, at its core Restless Spirits is really about the relationship between sisters Ron and Chris Wilson, who share a bond not even death can destroy. Chris steps into the spotlight in the followup to this book, Kindred Spirits, the second in the series.

Ghost love is better than no love.

Joe is an enigma to Veronica. And kind of a pain. And more attractive than she'd like to admit. Especially for a dead guy.

A Story About Love

While there's plenty of romance to be found in the pages of Restless Spirits, it's about more than just romantic love. It's about the love of family, both those bound by blood and those forged out of common bonds. It's about loyalty, and loss, and the pain of letting go. It's about the power of love to strengthen and provide courage find forgiveness and banish the darkness. And it's about kissing and tingly feels and the excitement of discovering the person you're meant to do life--or in this case, the afterlife--with. But at it's core, Restless Spirits, and the sequels that follow, are about a fierce love between sisters that even death can't defeat.

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