Authorpreneur Dashboard – JC Kang

JC  Kang

Orchestra of Treacheries (Legends of Tivara, The Dragon Songs Saga)

Science Fiction & Fantasy

The mightiest dragon threatens the world, and only the power of a Dragon Song can vanquish him. Two years have passed since Kaiya rediscovered the lost magic of Dragon Songs, yet the power of her voice is untrained. Potential suitors see her as a stepping stone. One ruthless cousin would rather step on her gravestone. Not one to get walked over or buried, Kaiya is holding out for the exiled foreign prince who inspired her to sing. The only one who appreciates her abilities more is the world’s last dragon, Avarax, and it’s not because he enjoys a good song. Raw and unproven, she finds mentors in unlikely places. An elf courtier. An ancient healer. A martial arts master. And an evil sorcerer. She’ll need their guidance to survive the final showdown between a girl finding her voice, and a dragon who has no intention of being fooled a second time.

Book Bubbles from Orchestra of Treacheries (Legends of Tivara, The Dragon Songs Saga)

Songs Of Insurrection (Dragon Songs, #1)

Science Fiction & Fantasy

The Empire teeters on the brink of rebellion, and only the lost magic of Dragon Songs can prevent the realm from descending into chaos. Blessed with an unrivaled voice, Kaiya dreams of a time when music could summon typhoons and rout armies. Maybe then, the imperial court would see the awkward, gangly princess as more than a singing fool. When members of the emperor’s elite spy clan uncover a brewing rebellion, the court hopes to appease the ringleader by offering Kaiya as a bride. Obediently wedding the depraved rebel leader means giving up her music. Confronting him with the growing power of her voice could kill her.

Book Bubbles from Songs Of Insurrection (Dragon Songs, #1)

Writing and Re-Writing

I tried so many different variations of the first chapter, and finally settled on this one. I wanted it to capture the feeling of having big dreams, but also having responsibilities that meant giving up on those dreams.

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