Authorpreneur Dashboard – JB Dahmoune

JB  Dahmoune

In His Name

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

James Hartford has always been into writing and following the news. Now a young journalist who works for the Seattle Herald, James has been tasked with reporting on the post-game celebrations after Seattle wins its first Super Bowl. But as he stands in Pioneer Square surrounded by joy-filled football fans, he receives a call from a stranger who threatens to harm his fiancée unless he follows instructions. Suddenly, James is cast into the midst of circumstances with the potential to not only change his career, but his life as a whole. After he races home to open an email from the caller, James clicks on an attached photo that quickly vanishes. Now left wondering why an organization called New World Order wants anything to do with him, a perplexed yet intrigued James embarks on a dangerous journey to the truth that leads him to join the CIA where he is commissioned to take down a life-threatening terrorist enterprise, with help from a CIA operative and the President of the United States. In this action-packed thriller, an investigative reporter turned CIA agent is drawn into a chain of events that leads him on a dangerous quest for answers where he must trust his instincts to survive.

Book Bubbles from In His Name

Don't upset a CIA operative

After dramatic events took place, the President is sending agents on location to solve the mystery and preserve a fragile world peace. Read more of In His Name and get your own copy today!

Who is Ray?

Ray White works at the US Consulate in Rome. But who is he and what's his job? Even more importantly, will he be fast enough to prevent the disaster? Get your copy of "In HIS Name" and find out today!

Fred in action

Everything is accelerating, the operative is in movement. What is he doing? What will the consequences be for the world?


Cartright is one of the main characters of "In HIS Name". He hates everyone, and his horrific actions will demonstrate he's ready to do anything to attain his terrible goal....

The prisoner

Right now he simply knows he is held captive. He has no idea where we is. We have no idea who he is. The only thing we know: this hostage situation puts the world in grave danger.

First contact

James Hartford can not believe what he's hearing. Who are these people? What do they want?

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