Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jayne Fury

Jayne  Fury

Freedom Bound

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Bodice Ripping Ninjas in Space! Firefly meets Buck Rogers and a bit of boudoir. Corrie Scott isn't a fainting female in need of rescue. Follow the series on convoluted romps through space with smart, super sexy females and their companions. Happily for now, guaranteed. Freedom Bound: Prologue, Episode 1 introduces the Solar Flame universe where corporate suzerains control our heroine's lives. How do they win sovereignty over their own lives and their loves? In Freedom Bound, Corrie Scott, late of Frobisher Corporation finds herself unleashed in enemy territory alone for the first time in her life. But she is plagued by the threat of corporate slavery and the devilishly handsome Mat Parker. Together they must battle through ridiculous red tape, space pirates, and backstabbing double crosses. Can they trust each other enough to win this dangerous game? Grab ALL the episodes of this serial!

Book Bubbles from Freedom Bound

Where's my squadron?

I love writing an action scene that propels the readers right into the story.

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