Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jaymi Mozeak

Jaymi  Mozeak

Demon Warrior


Silver Fox starts out as a lonely, downcast wolfdog in search of a place to call her own among the glories of Heaven. She comes upon the New Jerusalem and there meets Shepherd, a magnificent white lion. He wishes for her to join the armies of Heaven but she feels she is too small and weak, worthless. Shepherd knows of her true worth, though, and works with her so she can discover her own strength and abilities. He helps her to discover what she truly is, not worthless but irreplaceable. A demon warrior.

Book Bubbles from Demon Warrior

Shepherd's Demon Warrior

The last two chapters are of Silver Fox at her best. She hasn't changed much other than finding five of her six different forms. She is still fearful and unsure of herself. She still doesn't really want to do what her Lord is asking her, yet, here she is. She is doing as her Lord asks, excelling at what God created her to do. Now, she has found her sixth form but what could it be? What is this final piece of what makes this young wolfdog, Shepherd's demon warrior.

Didn't Think She Had it in Her

A reader once told me that Gerdi made her think of a kind, gentle little old lady. You know.. the kind that tells you to eat your vegetables but always has a candy or cookie to give you on your way out? Sometimes it's easy to forget that among our elders are veterans, former activists, explorers, retired policemen; people who made a difference in their world and who's strength of character never left with their strength of body and mind. To think there could be an old folk's home full of the movers and shakers of a world before ours. Respect your elders. They are the reason you and I are here.

Why Me?

At this point Silver Fox has made quite a few mistakes and odd decisions. As the story has hinted at she has been called and thought of as evil most of her life and the things she has done recently seem to verify the thought. What Shepherd says in response to her wants seem to make it even more obvious that she does not belong with Him. Yet, Shepherd still wants her. Why? I have had many different times when what I have experienced, known and/or done was different from and ran against what I thought I was as a Christian. I have met several people who have experienced the same. Yet we are still pursued by God, still used in His will. Still loved, still needed. Jesus says in the Bible, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house. Matt 13:57" God uses the outcasts and people who see things "differently", sometimes even more so than the "normal" people.

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