Authorpreneur Dashboard – James Hanson

James  Hanson

After Falling Apart


At Seventeen, Harrison Avery's future is already planned out for him by his father, ever since he could kick a soccer ball. He is on his way up, but everything falls apart during one of his soccer matches playing for Brooklyn Falcons. Traumatized, he erases his future with his own hand and writes a new one, a world in which his Dad doesn't exist and where no soccer is played. With a new career, he lives out a quiet life. But the arrival of Chloe Smith shakes the world that he has built. Along with her autistic daughter Dana, they help him see there is more to life.

Book Bubbles from After Falling Apart

Meet Dana

Dana is my inspiration for writing the book. Without her I'd be stuck on chapter one. My former coach's son inspired the character "Dana." He's autistic. "To The Ununderstood" at the beginning of book refers to Dana, and those with her condition. Hopefully Dana will inspire others to love those like her.

Meet Chloe

An interesting twist to the story. Let's see how Harrison handles it.

Meet Claire

Claire's love for Harrison appears to be strong.

Meet Harrison

Harrison Avery is a teenager with a lot of family problems. Let's see how he handles them.

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