Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jacqueline Gum

Jacqueline  Gum

Confessions of A Corporate Slut

Literature & Fiction

While Confessions of a Corporate Slut deals with the complexities of the life of a corporate wife, the backdrop is based in a corporate environment and highlights the unique way it colors the professional woman and her view of marriage.

Book Bubbles from Confessions of A Corporate Slut

Being courted by a powerful man

Powerful men have a tendency to court women in style. It's not until later that Roberta understands that it was never about pleasing her, just impressing her.

Power is sexy

There is a sexy appeal to power, whether it is yielded by a man or woman. Quite often a coupling occurs between a successful powerful man and what seems to be female mirror image.

The good side

There is great speculation pertaining to why women stay married to much less than perfect men. Why did Maria stay with Arnold, Hillary with Bill? In my case, it was for a number of reasons and one of them was the "good side." Because I suspect that even Attila The Hun had one!

What exactly is a Corporate Wife?

Of all of my career positions, being a corporate wife was the most complex. Who knew that the position required the mental acuity of a CEO?

Corporate wife or unpaid servant?

The inspiration for this book came from my personal life

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