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Heather Dawn Robin

Imbroglio, The Ties of Love and Lies


Shannon Moore, professional, headstrong, and jaded, underestimates the power of one incredibly smooth man, Carlos Romero. He invades the caustic and complicated relationship she's been in for years, bringing with him unexpected life-changes and challenges, and she must decide if and how far she'll plunge. At first, the decisions seem hers to make, but when love, lust, and a spiritual odyssey among unsavory characters twist their worlds into a dangerous, action-laden adventure which threatens their existence, it becomes clear. There has always been something bigger. The Imbroglio. Time to call on God.

Book Bubbles from Imbroglio, The Ties of Love and Lies

Corruption and Lust for Power

Imbroglio incorporates aspects of a culture many Americans know little about: Daily Cuban living. Here, as the plot thickens, Shannon is discovering more about the people she's become a part of and the systems they are governed by. Communism, greed, and arrogance permeate the drama in this scene.

The Meeting

Caught off guard by the witty, debonair, and extremely handsome Carlos Romero, Shannon Moore's sour mood and her agenda are altered. Curiosity often brings the beginning of entanglement, and so it begins... I'm often asked if this is my own experience with an interested man making his introduction, and I have to admit it was completely my imagination. But what a way for him to get what he's after!

Imbroglio, The Ties of Love and Lies


Shannon Moore, professional, headstrong, and jaded, underestimates the power of one incredibly smooth man, Carlos Romero. He invades the caustic and complicated relationship she's been in for years, bringing with him unexpected life-changes and challenges, and she must decide if and how far she'll plunge. At first, the decisions seem hers to make, but when love, lust, and a spiritual odyssey among unsavory characters twist their worlds into a dangerous, action-laden adventure which threatens their existence, it becomes clear. There has always been something bigger. The Imbroglio. Time to call on God.

Book Bubbles from Imbroglio, The Ties of Love and Lies

Time For Some Action

Hero and heroine on the run! The chase is on, but the peril is not only around them. Oh, the edge of Romantic Suspense!

Hidden Truths

Perhaps both individuals in this scene have something to hide? • Lies. Omissions. Vulnerability. • They're what made me write the book. This is a pivotal opportunity when Carlos and Shannon face the pressure of disclosure and what may solidify the future of their relationship. • Careful with the wine.

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