Authorpreneur Dashboard – Gregory James

Gregory  James

One Percent Solution

Literature & Fiction

Were it not for the fickle finger of fate flicking them a birdie, none of the harsh actions now being considered would have been contemplated, and the hapless people on that distant world would have been free to live their lives at their leisure. But that’s not what happened! Because when the graduate-student astronomer, Sofia Song, catapults from her world to the Blue Planet—a dog-eat-dog world where one tenth of 1% of the people, “The Ones,” own all the planet’s riches, where oligarchs hijacked democracy for their own private purpose—her calamitous journey through space and time ignites a string of events leading to the destruction of both worlds. Ahriman, the most powerful of The Ones wants her dead. His son Francis tries to help her but can’t. The brutal Captain seeks revenge. The corrupt Reverend wants her condemned. Eve the child is starving. Dmitri the smuggler is fleeing. And a soldier from Gâia follows one day behind her, intent on destroying the world. Through this maelstrom Sofia wanders, with only 30 hours left to rescue her colleague and less than five days to save her world. Sadly she fails, but not before altering the timelines of history. Reminiscent of Vonnegut, with a dash of Saramago and Fforde, this humorous, often irreverent romp mocks the absurd we accept to be normal, ridicules the low bar we set, and challenges us to demand more of ourselves by making light of what is sacred that shackles us.

Book Bubbles from One Percent Solution


After 20 years living and working overseas, I returned to the US and was disgusted by how partisan and polarized the country had become. So I traded a lucrative career for staring at blank pages and searching for words, hoping that words might help enact change. Stupid… I know! Nine months later I birthed for a book entitled “ONE PERCENT SOLUTION.” Reminiscent of Vonnegut, with a dash of Saramago and Fforde, this humorous, often irreverent romp mocks the absurd we accept to be normal, ridicules the low bar we set, and challenges us to demand more of ourselves by making light of what is sacred that shackles us.

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