Authorpreneur Dashboard – Graeme Ing

Graeme  Ing

Ocean of Dust

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Fourteen-year old Lissa is snatched from her home and finds herself a slave on a trading ship traveling on a waterless ocean of nothing but gray dust. A feisty, curious and intelligent girl, her desire to explore the ship earns her the hatred of the cruel first officer, Farq. Fascinated by the ocean of dust, Lissa becomes embroiled in its mysteries, sensing things that the crew cannot, while cryptic whispers in her head are leading her toward a destiny linked to the dust itself. Only one man aboard can help her make sense of her new talent, but can she trust him? All is not as it seems, and she must unravel the clues before it’s too late. When a sinister plot casts her adrift on the barren ocean, her best friend is left in the hands of the treacherous crew. Everything hinges upon her courage, quick wits, and her ability to master her new talent.

Book Bubbles from Ocean of Dust

The chase and the stinging bugs

This scene was inspired by my own experience as a child, exploring the forests of Hampshire in England. Playing atop a rotten, fallen tree, we disturbed a raging hive of hornets inside the log. In my memory, the hornets were the size of my fist, but I was only a child. To this day I still panic at the sight of wasps or bees.

All is not as it seems...

Lissa is haunted by the mysterious man in the hooded robe. What is his link with the ocean of dust? Who or what are causing the hissing whispers in her head. What is really going on aboard the ship?

Branda plays the sakdra

Two topics that I enjoy and savor in any novel are food and music. This scene came to me, watching the sunset from my garden. Branda plays an instrument shaped much like a flute but held vertically like an oboe. Many are wooden, but the best are carved from crystal. I hope that I captured into words the magical sound of this instrument, one that few can play.


Science Fiction & Fantasy

A primeval fiend is loose in the ancient metropolis of Malkandrah, intent on burning it to a wasteland. The city's leaders stand idly by and the sorcerers that once protected the people are long gone. Maldren, a young necromancer, is the only person brave enough to stand against the creature. Instead of help from the Masters of his Guild, he is given a new apprentice. Why now, and why a girl? As they unravel the clues to defeating the fiend, they discover a secret society holding the future of the city in its grip. After betrayals and attempts on his life, Maldren has reason to suspect everyone he thought a friend, even the girl. His last hope lies in an alliance with a depraved and murderous ghost, but how can he trust it? Its sinister past is intertwined in the lives of everyone he holds dear. Can only evil defeat evil?

Book Bubbles from Necromancer

Horrific discovery at "The Stout and Puke" tavern

Malden the necromancer, and his apprentice Ayla, arrive at a seedy tavern in the slums of the ancient city: "The Stout and Puke."

The Hideous Grak

Malden the Necromancer, and his apprentice Ayla, are deep in the undercity when they happen upon a hideous, icky creature called a grak.

The murder in the smoke

My homage to old horror movies where fog rolls into a small town and drives everyone mad.This excerpt shows my Necromancer being a hero, trying to save a young woman. Then he succumbs to the evil of the thick smoke and tries to murder her!

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