Authorpreneur Dashboard – Gayatri S

Gayatri  S

The Wooden Board of Beasts

Literature & Fiction

To the outside. In the Train. A quaint café. The numb bride. The old lady with the deepest of creases. A bustling city and its nightlife. A secret Crush. The dead mornings and bright sunflowers. All bundles into a book; but each of these being inspired from around that makes us look back into ourselves. The characters drawn in here are Us; within Us and from Us. It makes one reckon that we indeed lead vulnerable lives in the pace of the world. And we just have two choices; to embrace it or challenge it. It’s all up to you, to live it. Engage in visual treats churning your emotional quotients in copious amounts through the words in here. And the journey had just begun.

Book Bubbles from The Wooden Board of Beasts

final goodbyes

sometimes, we encounter those seconds where we are content with our goodbyes. we love the attention we give our emotions at that time, that the heart hardly feels heavy anymore - during goodbyes.

the pursuit of letting go

How we let go of elements we love; people, places, smell and scents, memories and moments. Only that walking away, leaving those behind makes our lives a little harder, sadder.

the beginnings

how we see ourselves. How the mirrors see us as we look back; introspect.

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