Authorpreneur Dashboard – Gary Springer

Gary  Springer

Wisdom of a Life Well-Lived


Over a period of 30 years, Ethel Pearson Levine wrote monthly articles for the Sunrise Lakes community in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Her articles embrace universal subjects from marriage and divorce to relationships, aging, and death. She took on subjects that affect us all. Within each article, there’s a message, an affirmation, for living a meaningful life. This book is a collection of selected articles from that monthly news booklet.

Book Bubbles from Wisdom of a Life Well-Lived

Say "I Love You."

Ethel Pearson Levine reminds us of the importance of providing kind words to those we are close to.

About Ethel Pearson Levine

Learn a little more about Ethel Pearson Levine's background - author of "Wisdom of a Life Well-Lived."

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