Authorpreneur Dashboard – Emma Rose Millar

Emma Rose Millar

Five Guns Blazing

Literature & Fiction

"Never had she imagined she would be brought so low, and all for the love of a very bad man." 1710 Convict’s daughter, Laetitia Beedham, is set on an epic journey from the back streets of London, through transportation to Barbados and gruelling plantation life, into the clutches of notorious pirates John ‘Calico Jack’ Rackham, Mary Read and the treacherous Anne Bonny. In a world of villainy and deceit, where black men are kept in chains and a woman will sell her daughter for a few gold coins, Laetitia can find no one in whom to place her trust. As the King’s men close in on the pirates and the noose begins to tighten around their necks, who will win her loyalty and her heart?

Book Bubbles from Five Guns Blazing

Five Guns Blazing - Chapter One

Chaucer Award category winner FIVE GUNS BLAZING: An epic tale of piracy, slavery and treason.

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