Authorpreneur Dashboard – EM Burlingame

EM  Burlingame

Starving for Leadership | Unconventional Warfare, Special Forces and Startups

Business & Investing

Entrepreneurship IS Unconventional Warfare We’re living in an age of unprecedented change where rapid pace of technological innovation and advancement is impacting every aspect of our lives, families, communities, cultures and societies. Everything is changing, accelerating. Even the rate of change itself is accelerating. Now more than ever before in all human history, we need Leaders.

Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from Starving for Leadership | Unconventional Warfare, Special Forces and Startups

Civilization Change

We're deep in a civilization-wide transition not unlike that of the move from agrarian to industrial societies. Only the reverse of the industrial revolution is happening. Where the industrial revolution provided the masses value, value as labor. Advances in technology are increasingly reducing the value of individuals. As need for their labor is less and less necessary to the global economy. There are only three options. Lives of dependency. Dramatic population reductions. Or far more open and inclusive for-profit, knowledge economy startup participation and investing.

Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation

When it comes to wealth creation for vast majority of humanity, throughout all of human history. When it comes to building and sustaining a strong middle class, so critical to stable economies and societies. There's no single or collective force more powerful than well supported entrepreneurship. Getting it right however is not as easy as it appears. Vast numbers try and fail at least in their first attempt if not at all after. Reason is, success in startups, both for entrepreneur and investor, is dependent on highly developed skills. Most of which are intangible skills developed only through extensive experience or incredibly well done mentoring from someone who's been there and been immensely successful in your domain.

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