Authorpreneur Dashboard – Elyse Reyes

Elyse  Reyes

The Circle Preview

Science Fiction & Fantasy

The Order of Vespers is in turmoil. Their most powerful supernatural members have been kidnapped by a cult hell-bent on destroying the cosmic balance. Its members are revolting and their leadership, The Circle, is hanging on by a thread. The one person who can save them, Jasper, has been missing for over a year. Jordan gets a lucky break when one raid turns up more than they could have hoped for: a way to bring back his dearest friend and partner-in-crime. While members of The Circle are against using magic to restore her, Jordan is convinced that Jasper has a larger role to play. He believes that she can stop the kidnappings, ferret out the traitors to the Order, and save the world. The Circle must decide whether to trust in dark magic and a friend that may no longer exist or to forget her and try to save the Order themselves.

Book Bubbles from The Circle Preview

A Secret Order

The Order of Vespers is a secret society of assassins dedicated to maintaining the cosmic balance. When God and the Devil disappeared from the world, a third entity, Il Separatio, or the Entity of Neutrality, stepped in. Il Separatio was created when God created light from dark. It is the boundary that maintains the separation and keeps the balance. Like the Devil has demons and God has his angels, Il Separatio has the Vespers, a ruthless force that combats forces of light and dark so that humanity can thrive in balance.

Jasper and Jude

Jude is one of my favorite characters to write. He's 90 seconds older, 20 pounds heavier, and five inches taller and relishes in his role as Jasper's "big" brother. Despite the gender difference, they are best friends. They were excited to go to college together before his untimely demise. More than anyone, she misses Jude the most. His appearance might be what keeps her sane in this in-between place.

Order of Vespers Preview

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Jasper Andrews finds herself drawn into this superhuman world when a freak explosion exposes her to groups interested in secret abilities. When her family is killed under unbelievable circumstances, Jasper is the only suspect. She flees police custody and heads to New York City to lose herself in the crowds. Jasper wants revenge, but being chased by the police and superhuman bad guys, slows her down. While she’s in hiding Jasper becomes more volatile; she begins manifesting traces of her siblings’ abilities and begins to lose control. The Order of Vespers has decided she’s too dangerous and too important to leave unguarded and capture her. Before she can escape, the killers strike again, this time taking children directly connected to the Order. Jasper is forced to choose between her vendetta and the lives of the Vespers and humanity.

Book Bubbles from Order of Vespers Preview


When I decided to bestow my characters with distinct abilities, I wanted them to have another side to their personalities, a more violent side that protected them at all costs. Jasper has never fully embraced this part of herself. Thus, Jasper refers to that part of herself as "she" or "her," like an almost parasitic being who resides in her body. She is constantly at odds with that part of herself, who she blames for her more violent tendencies. "She" isn't a split personality in the sense of a mental disorder. "She" is essentially her abilities, her instincts, that take over when Jasper needs protecting. When there is no danger, "she" coexists peacefully and allows Jasper full use of her powers. What is frightening for Jasper is that "she" acted while Jasper was unconscious. Allegedly. Jude, her twin, doesn't have this problem. His abilities are under better control and far less destructive. "He" or "him" is more of a friendly and playful aspect of his personality, allowing Jude to easily conceal his abilities. Jasper's other family members can easily conceal their abilities and worry that Jasper's instability will reveal them all.

Hidden Abilities

In fantasy books, the supernatural is either widely acknowledged and regular humans know about it or hidden and mysterious. I chose to have Jasper's abilities remain a secret because...well, it's more fun that way. Imagine having to live with a superpower that you could never acknowledge. What if you were able to fly but couldn't for fear of being locked away. Speaking of Jasper and her family, I wonder what special abilities her siblings might have. Jude, at least, should have something cool, considering they're twins.


I've never seen my dog's hackles raised, but I've certainly had the experience of being so angry that I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand on edge, as if I were all electricity ready to burst. Maybe there's a big of Jasper in me after all.

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