Authorpreneur Dashboard – Elise Abram

Elise  Abram

The Revenant


Raised from the dead as a revenant more than a hundred years ago, Zulu possesses Spiderman’s stealth, Superman’s speed, and Batman’s keen intellect. His only companion is Morgan the Seer, an old man cursed with longevity and the ability to see the future in his dreams. Zulu has spent the last century training with Morgan in order to save the people in his nightmares from certain and violent death. Branded a vigilante by the Media, Zulu must live his life in the shadows, travelling by night or in the city’s underground unless his quest demands otherwise. Kat is an empath, someone who sees emotions as colourful auras. Relentlessly bullied by her peers, and believing her life amounts to nothing but a huge cosmic mistake, she finds purpose in her abilities when she is recruited to help Zulu and Morgan complete their missions. Malchus is Morgan’s long dead twin brother. A powerful necromancer, Malchus manages to find a way to return to the living, and he has a score to settle with Morgan. Believing Morgan responsible for his death and out to seek revenge, Malchus begins to raise an army of undead minions and use them to hunt Morgan down. As Malchus closes in on Morgan and his charges, the trio soon realizes the people most in need of saving are themselves.

Book Bubbles from The Revenant

Introducing Zulu

This chapter introduces Zulu, the revenant. I chose not to start with this because I felt the scene with the Ouija Board was more exciting and would really grab the reader's attention. It's a short chapter, just a glimpse into Zulu's life, which builds suspense as the reader is left wondering who Zulu is, how he fits into the picture, and keeps him reading to find out.

Chapter One

THE REVENANT begins "in medias res", in the middle of the action, when teenage Hal is possessed by Malchus, a long-dead spirit. This sets the tone for the rest of the novel as Malchus, who once apprenticed with a powerful necromancer, begins to raise an army of the dead in order to exact revenge on his brother, Morgan, whom he believes responsible for his death.

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