Authorpreneur Dashboard – Elaine Ostrach Chaika

Elaine Ostrach Chaika

Humans, Dogs, and Civilization

Biographies & Memoirs

A blend of science and anecdote, this book shows humans didn't tame wolves to be dogs. Dogs were already dogs when wolves roamed continents. Their abilities as human partners are inborn in them. There is no way humans could have taught dogs how to herd sheep,and other animals. It's inborn behavior, as is their superior scenting. Dog studies are a hot research topic now and this book presents cutting edge science from dog labs around the world, as well as archaeology,evolution, and what dogs are capable of. I prove every point I make by anecdotes about the many dogs I've had or knew. Since I start with the dog I had when I was 6 years old, the book is also a memoir. If you like to read true dog stories, you'll love this book. This is the seventh book I've written, but the first for a general readership. Kirkus Reviews--and others--say it is written in a clear and engaging style, and has so far recived all 5 star ratings by readers.

Book Bubbles from Humans, Dogs, and Civilization

Human and Dogs Partnered

Dogs have evolved to understand human language in ordinary conversation, which no other nonhuman animal can do. Dogs initiated their partnership with humans. They weren't tamed by humans. Humans. because of dogs, have had changes in their own brains.

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