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Donna R Wittlif
Our Stronghold in Prayer: A Women's Class Book and Prayer Journal

Our Stronghold in Prayer: A Women's Class Book and Prayer Journal

Religion & Spirituality

Does God hear your prayer? Why might He not listen to you? Are there things you should not pray for? What if you have been praying for a long time, and God has not answered? Why do bad things happen to Christians? Is God in control of the Earth? The Bible gives us answers by telling how God answered the prayers of real people just like you. Our Stronghold in Prayer includes a Precious Prayer Journal that guides you in building good prayer habits and helps you pray. Get examples of prayers for praising God, giving thanks, asking for forgiveness, and praying for spiritual wisdom and help.

Book Bubbles from Our Stronghold in Prayer: A Women's Class Book and Prayer Journal

Is What You Say True?

People believe and say many things about prayer. They think these sayings are true. They try to comfort others by telling them what they think. However, many of these beliefs are not what God says in the Bible. And they are not true. You surely have heard them. Learn what they are, why they are wrong, and what God really says to help and comfort you during times of trouble. Know what you should pray for and how to pray. You don't need to be in a class to let this book draw you closer to God.

The Binding Power of Prayer

What can make us afraid? Many things. Physical and emotional illness, death, loss of job, loss of physical comforts, accidents, loss of loved ones and friends, and loss of status. There are many more--wars, natural disasters, personal guilt and doubts about ourselves and others. To whom can we turn when we feel overwhelmed by fear? To our loved ones and friends? Yes. To a counselor? Maybe. But the One who can help and keep us more than all others is our Heavenly Father. The best way to find comfort and help is through prayer to God who has all wisdom and all power.

Why Do Christians Suffer?

Christians do not have a life free from suffering. Physical and emotional illness, death, loss of a job, accidents, deaths of loved ones and friends, family problems -- all cause us pain and fear. They are Satan's greatest weapons that can destroy our faith. If God loves us so much, why do we suffer? Can good come from our suffering? Does our pain help us get to heaven? Find out how to overcome Satan and endure suffering with God's help.

When God Says "No"

Has God ever said "No" to you? Did you feel that He had forsaken you? When we read the Bible, we see that God denied the requests of others. He did not let Moses go into the Promised Land. God refused to heal Paul's infirmity. He told His own Son "No". Did that mean that God did not love them? We know He loved them. So why would your loving Heavenly Father tell you "No"? Learn six reasons God may not answer your prayers the way that you hope.

False Beliefs about Troubles

Perhaps in the past, you had serious problems. A loved one died. A friend hugged you and said, "God needed another angel in heaven." You were not comforted. Maybe you or someone you love was very ill. Or you lost your job. Your friends gathered around you and tried to comfort you. They said, "Everything happens for a reason." What reason could God have for sending you such troubles? In Chapter 8, you will learn nine things that people say or believe when you are sad and hurting that are not true. See why they should not say them and you should not believe them. See how God's Word can strengthen your faith and help you through your problems.

What Hinders Your Prayers?

I asked a group of women what hindered their prayers. The answers given by these women summed up their difficulties and concerns. Most of us experience one or more of these problems. They make us feel guilty. Perhaps we think we don't take God seriously enough. Or maybe we don't believe His promises and care for us. However, there are other circumstances that interfere with our prayers, things you may not think about. They are more serious than those listed. Read Chapter 6 to learn more.

Why Should We Pray?

Even Christians do not know or understand all the reasons for prayers. During times of great stress and troubles, they may forget that God is always ready to hear our prayers. He is always by our side, longing for us to ask Him for help. One of the purposes of this book is to remind us of how much God loves us and waits to help us. The last half of the book is a journal where we can develop the habit of praying to God and becoming closer to our Father as we pray. Chapter 1 gives these reasons for praying, but as one reads, she or he finds many more suggestions that give comfort from God's Word.

Finding Her Joy: Book 1 of Heart of A Family Series


Pregnant. Ashamed. No one to love. Then she finds Reggie. His kindness and high ideals set him apart. She is falling in love, but his family forbids it. Just when it seems she has a chance, a horrible accusation turns their lives upside down. How can she prove his innocense? If you enjoy a love story wrapped in a mystery, you won't be able to put this book down.

Book Bubbles from Finding Her Joy: Book 1 of Heart of A Family Series


"Go, child. Before it's too late. Now hurry!" Sixteen-year-old Della cries for her sick mama. She cries because she doesn't want to go to Aunt Marie's. But Aunt Marie isn't home when Della arrives. She has no place to go. Then she meets Sister Bess. Sister Bess, her guardian angel. A tough, no-nonsense angel. When Della realizes her own predicament, she gives up all hope. Sister Bess guides and teaches her. She helps Della turn her life around. Then Della meets Reggie. He is everything she wants and needs. Does he know she is falling in love with him? Others notice. But they forbid her love. Even Sister Bess. What can Della do to prove her worth?

God Will Work It Out for You

"God doesn't give you anything you can't do." Easy for Sister Bess to say. But not for Della. Sometimes life hits us with unforeseen circumstances. Hard things. We haven't been there before, and the thought of having to bear that burden sends us reeling. Our heart tells us we can't do it. God says we can with His help. May we believe what our Father says, "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; casting all your anxiety upon him, because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:6-7). He will not leave you. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me," Paul reminds us in Phil. 4:13. So can you when you rely on God.

Was he in love with someone else?

Kind. Handsome. Talented. That was Reggie. How could he know that Della, a white girl, was in love with him? He had secrets, but he wasn't telling anyone. Was he in love with another woman? But why would he want her, a castaway, pregnant with someone else's child? She had no hope for her life until she learned what he was up to.

Grilled by Police

Della knew whose side the police were on, and it wasn't hers. Or Reggie's. In Puttersville, a black man didn't stand a chance. No matter how she answered, what she said would incriminate both of them. She had to prove his innocence, but how? She had to find some way, someone, but who could she get? There was no one in Puttersville to help her.

A Strange Answer

Today no one thinks twice when a husband and wife are of different races. But during the 1960's the United States was in turmoil during the Civil Rights Movement. If a black man married a white woman, or a white woman married a black man, trouble was sure to follow. Della doesn't understand why Winnie doesn't want her to to get close to her son Reggie. But is there more to Winnie's "Not really" than the fact that Reggie is black and Della is white? The answer will surprise you.

"I'll get an abortion."

A few states allowed abortions before Roe vs. Wade, but in most states, it was illegal. Women who did not want the baby they were carrying often went to unsafe places to rid themselves of an unwanted pregnancy. Many died or were left unable to bare children the rest of their lives because of the procedure. The main problem with abortion laws, both before and after Roe vs. Wade, is not that a woman may be forced to carry a child she does not want, but that she fails to recognize the value of the life of the unborn child in God's eyes. She does not understand that God created the baby in her womb and has plans for that life When Della finds out she is carrying her stepfather's child, she wants rid of it. She wants an abortion, but in 1964, that is illegal. What she really needs is guidance and help. It comes from a surprise source. See who God sends to her in her deepest hour of need.

God's Blessings Devotionals

Religion & Spirituality

I believe; help my unbelief!”
Do you ever feel like the father of the young boy who had the evil spirit in Mark 9:24? You believe in God and His Son. You have faith that they can help you. Yet when trouble happens, a tiny bit of doubt creeps into your thoughts.
Life doesn’t always turn out like we want it to. In times of trouble, it is so easy to wonder if God hears our prayers. If God really loves us, why are these things happening? We might question God’s help.
God understands. He sends us blessings to continually affirm His love for us. Read them and see how many you have because of His love and care for you. Your faith will be stronger, and you will feel encouraged when you see how He blesses you. “This book is so encouraging. I read it several times,” said Mary in Texas.

Book Bubbles from God's Blessings Devotionals

A Personal Faith

Does God give each one of us specific commands tailored to each of our needs? Of course, He does when we read the Bible. But as He made each person different, our Father included scriptures that apply to each of us in His Word. Like Peter, we must believe that He knows each one of us. He knows our good times and bad. He understands our temptations because Jesus was tempted in all ways (Hebrews 4:14-16). He understands us. And like Peter, all we have to do is follow Him. This book will give you strength and help when you are tempted.

Am I Good Enough?

Many believe that they have to work and perform great deeds for God in order to receive a place in heaven. But Paul tells us in Romans 6:23 that "the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Others believe that they must work as hard as they can to receive eternal life. In other words, they think that if what they do merits 50% of God's grace, Jesus will provide the rest. But God tells us eternal life is His free gift. Jesus paid 100% of the price. So why do we toil and work in God's kingdom? We do it because we love God. We want to help grow His church. We do it because we love others and want to tell them about God's salvation.

Is God Looking for You?

Just like Chloe, we are all lost. Like Chloe, who would have died if no one had found her, we will die unsaved. "For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God," Paul wrote in Romans 3:23. What happens when we sin? "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). He is seeking and searching for each one of us to come to Him. He gave His life for us. That is God's most wonderful blessing to us so we can have eternal life with Him in heaven.

Peace with God

Our world has been plagued by wars and rumors of war almost from the beginning of time. We long for peace and tranquility in our lives, but every time we turn on the news, we hear about war. God never promised us a world with perfect peace. What God has given us is peace with Him. It is not freedom from earthly strife. It is the blessed gift of being right with God because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. He is our refuge and our hope.

What Do We Need?

I was very poor when I was in college. I lived in a college dormitory with five other girls. I had to wash my clothes in our bathroom sink and hang them to dry in our tiny bathroom. Of course, this did not go over very well with the others. As I walked to class one day, I found a quarter. A whole quarter. Fifty years ago, that was enough to wash and dry my clothes at the college's laundromat. I still remember the joy I felt, knowing that God saw my need. Most of us need things--lots of things. More than we know. God knows our greatest need. He has already supplied us with a way to get it. Find out what it is in the devotional "A Sense of Need".

World Eternal: Proselytes

World Eternal: Proselytes

Science Fiction & Fantasy

No synopsis has been added for this book

Book Bubbles from World Eternal: Proselytes

A Great Price

It's easy to be a preacher's kid. Or is it? Jim has stepped into manhood, an existence filled with challenges and fear. He finds himself in a fight for his life and the lives of his family and everyone he holds dear. How can he fight back against a force from another world, a force ruled by God's enemies? With no place to live and no family, he is on his own. How far will he go to fight World Eternal and its leader, Ouima? What will he have to do? All he knows is that he can't give up.

Underground Bases

Jim and Pat learn that World Eternal has underground bases that go down many levels. World Eternal uses them to train its prisoners and to torture them if they don't obey Ouima. They find Jim's dad, John, and Gary among the captives in such a base. Jim has to save them, but doing so means joining the ranks of prisoners. Even if he and Pat infiltrate the army of captives, it doesn't mean they can grab them from Ouima's clutches. Jim and Pat don't know the half of what Ouima has in store for those who defy him.


Preacher James Darden barely survives the tortures of the enemy. In real life, Satan is our enemy constantly hurling his weapons at us--discouragement, fear, feelings of worthlessness and failure, illness, problems with relationships, and death. But Christ has died that we might live in Him and overcome any darts the devil throws at us. Through Jesus we can always be victors. James tells Jim the only way he survived, and it did not involve killing his tormentors.

Bases on Our Moon?

Many people believe that our government has bases on our moon. Some Ufologists say that alien species have built bases on our moon, and they have been there for a long time. Look here: if you want to know more. In my book Jim and Pat learn about an alien base on the moon. When they learn who is there and why, they gain clues that lead them to a mystery that exposes the villains. Or are the bad guys the good guys?

Jim's Cross

Jesus said, "He who does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me (Matt. 10:38). When Jim finds the church's cross buried in dirt and leaves, he shoulders it and places it beside the church door. It is a signal of hope and salvation. Passers-by who see it know the church is a refuge from Ouima. For Jim that cross symbolizes the burden he has of fighting Ouima, finding the language code book owner, and rescuing his father and John and Gary. He has no one to rely upon for help except God.

Standing for Your Faith

Nearly every day we read or hear about atrocities Christians in other lands must endure. We shake our heads. Maybe we say a prayer for them. Then we sit in our safe, cozy churches and praise God. He has kept us and protected us. Perhaps sooner than we think Christians in America will be persecuted for their faith. What will we do? Will we be able to stand firm and hold onto our beliefs? What will Jim do? Follow him to see how he fights for his faith and his family.

Our Religious Freedoms

The fight for religious freedom has been part of the history of mankind. One can recall the Christians' struggle under the Roman Empire and the brave men who gave their lives during the Reformation to have God's Word translated so the common people could read it. Many Americans take their religious freedom for granted. The right to practice what we believe is God's will is gradually being taken away from us by our government. How much longer before Congress passes laws curtailing more of our religious freedoms? Will Christians stand by and accept these laws, or will they work to change them?

Lies and Spies

Ouima appoints United States President Holden Garner as president of Earth Council, a special group within the United Nations that rules the world. The world must join World Eternal in fighting THEM, the Haters of Everyone Mortal. The people's duty is to report anyone who does anything suspicious to the World Eternal police. But who determines what is suspicious? James is fearful. Didn't Jesus say that a man's foes shall be those of his own household? So were the early Christians spied upon, lied about, and persecuted. What was going to happen to Christians if they didn't obey World Eternal?

World Eternal: Promises

World Eternal: Promises

Science Fiction & Fantasy

No synopsis has been added for this book

Book Bubbles from World Eternal: Promises

God or Ouima?

Chris, one of the church elders, believes that World Eternal (WE) must be connected to God since they are giving the people of Earth so many good things. Preacher James knows that God is the giver of all good gifts (James 1:17). He also knows that God hasn't said we will have peace and prosperity just because we are Christians. In fact, Jesus said we would be persecuted for following Him (John 15:20, 21). Will church members turn from God to accept Ouima's gifts?

Earth's Choice

Ouima gives the people of Earth a choice. Earth leaders can choose World Eternal's promises of health and wealth for all and join World Eternal's galactic union of planets. If Earth refuses WE's invitation, THEM (the Haters of Everyone Mortal) will conquer Earth, make slaves of its people, and plunder Earth's natural resources. Earth will be no more. World Eternal and its leader, Ouima, really want what's good for Earth and its people? Or are they the enemy?

GMOs and UFOs

In World Eternal: Promises, preacher James Darden begs his church members and other Christians, “Please don’t eat World Eternal foods and plant their seeds.” They think he’s crazy, especially when his only reason is “They don’t come from God.” Then church members Christine Brown and Marcy Matton, students at Texas Plains Christian University, learn that the World Eternal plants and seeds have been genetically altered. What will these genetically modified seeds do to other seeds, or worse yet, to Earth’s people?

Crop Circles

Every year hundreds of intricate designs show up in fields around the world. Researchers do not know who made them or what they mean. World Eternal: Promises opens with star formations enclosing religious symbols appearing around the world. Unlike crop circles, they are not made in grain. They come just as the world faces the possibility of World War III. Just like crop circles, they have a meaning. Will Jim discover their message? Go here for more info on crop circles:

Christians and Extraterrestrials

Should Christians believe that God made other planets inhabited by intelligent life? If they exist, how might they interact with us? Does God interact with them? Preacher James Darden does not believe in extraterrestrials, but he has to preach about them. What should he say? As he ponders his sermon, signs are appearing...signs that we may not be alone.

God's Desires for You

Religion & Spirituality

God, what do you want me to do to please You? God, what are Your desires for me? How do I get to heaven? Are you looking for the answers to these questions? Are you looking in the right place? God tells us many things we can do to please Him. He seeks us and wants to have a relationship with us. He wants us to live in heaven with Him so much that He came to earth and became a sacrifice for our sins. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. How He loves us! However, His free gift of eternal life is not for everyone. It is only for those who obey Him. Is it possible to please God? Absolutely! The how, why, when, and where are found in the Bible. Are you looking for God? Do you want to know Him and have Him help you and walk with you? Do you want to live with Him through eternity? If you want to know the things that God desires you to do to please Him so you can go to heaven, this book will guide you in finding His richest blessings. Learn how to live in peace and joy with God. "I highly recommend this informative work by a very qualified writer. Excellent!!!" Robert Redden, California minister.

Book Bubbles from God's Desires for You

The God We Believe In

Who is this God who calls us to Himself? Why do we long to be with Him? What is it that we hunger for and seek after but can't find without God? God is triune. What does that mean? How does the Bible prove it? How does each part of God help us? What are other attributes of God that you need to know about? Find the answers to these questions and more. They come straight from the Bible.

Why Should I Believe the Bible?

The Bible is God's Words and His instruction to us. It is given to all of us by God Himself. Why should we believe it? Here you see a box with just one of the many reasons why we believe the Bible. In "God's Desires for You", you will see the many reasons the Bible is living and true and is the interactive Word of God. It is the only book you can read that will lead you to God so you can live with Him in heaven for eternity.

How Did Jesus Overcome Tempation?

"For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Cor. 5:21). "For it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens" (Hebrews 7:26). Jesus was God in the flesh, yet He was human. He was tempted. The writer of Hebrews says, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin" (4:15). Luke 4:1-13 tells of His temptation. Verse 13 says "And when the devil had completed every temptation, he departed from him for a season." Just for a season. He came back to tempt our Savior again. One of the times we know about is when Jesus was praying before His crucifixion. He begged God with tears not to have to go through with being crucified. God said no. Jesus, the obedient Son, did His Father's will.

Are You Part of God's Family?

If you are a child of God, you must be a part of God's family. That includes church. Some people might say or think, "I want God and Jesus to save me, but I don't want to be in a church. That is not possible. If you have been baptized into Christ and are a child of God, you are part of Christ's church and a member of God's family. You did not add yourself to the church. God added you. "They then that received the word were baptized: and there were added unto them in that day about three thousand souls. . .And the Lord added to them day by day those that were saved" (Acts 2:41, 47).

What If a Christian Sins?

When you became a Christian, you became a new person, washed clean from your sins. But you will sin again. Then, what? Repent. Admit your sin to God and tell Him you are sorry. God knows how hard it is not to sin. He knows because His Son, Jesus, lived here and was tempted just like we are (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus loves you. He is at God's throne making intercession for you (Romans 8:34). Jesus is a Friend who will stand beside you and help you every step of the way. All you need to do is to keep your eyes fixed on Him, the author and perfecter of your faith (Hebrews 12:2).

What Will Heaven Be Like?

What do you think heaven will be like? God has promised those who love Him that we cannot imagine the beauty and comfort of heaven. No more disease, pain, natural disasters, war, or suffering. We will be surrounded by love and comfort from God. No, heaven will not be on this earth, but it will be a place Jesus has prepared just for those who believe in Him and do His will. Do you know how to get there? If you want to know what to do to please God, you need this book. Available for free on Kindle Unlimited. "Everyone should read this book. It is full of comfort and reassurance." Florida reader. B07XLDNV6X

Jesus, the only way to God

Why does all of mankind suffer an empty feeling inside, an emptiness that they cannot fill? No, not fame, money, prestige, or power will make us whole. Those who have such things may be satisfied for a while, but eventually, they know they are not happy. Even if they do not realize what they need, people everywhere are searching for the connection with God that makes them feel complete. Knowing God and loving Him is the only relationship that can give lasting satisfaction. That connection can be made only through God's Son, the one who laid down His life for every man, woman, and child. There is no other way to God's fulfillment and love for us.

Can Someone Be Too Bad to Be Saved?

Can someone be too bad to be baptized and become a Christian? Many know of Christ and God. They believe in them. However, they consider themselves too full of sin and too bad for God to have mercy on them. But Paul wrote--Paul, who killed Christians--wrote this: But you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked...following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience...But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ. Yes, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He loves and accepts even sinners, all sinners. He desires that all men live in heaven with Him.

Why Does God Love Us?

God has always loved us. He loves us even when we sin, and our Father begs us to come back to Him. His plea for us to return to Him is one of the main themes of the Bible. "But God, being rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ" Paul writes in Ephesians 2:4 and 5. Yes, God loves us so much that He came to us in the form of a man to die for us. What other so-called god dies for those he loves?

What Does God Want of Me?

God has given us the answer to this most important question. Our Father wants us to live with Him in heaven. But how do we get there, and what do we do to please God? Even though forgiveness of sins and eternal life are free gifts from God, He doesn't hand them out to just anyone. Eternal life is for only those who obey Him. If you want to know the things that God desires you to do to please Him so you can go to heaven, this book will guide you in finding His richest blessings. Free with Kindle Unlimited.

World Eternal: Perils

World Eternal: Perils

Science Fiction & Fantasy

No synopsis has been added for this book

Book Bubbles from World Eternal: Perils

Second Chances

Pat can't believe it. Most people, like Pat, find it hard to understand and believe God's love. "But God commends his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us," Romans 5:8 says. God loved His people in the Old Testament. God said through David, "For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his loving kindness toward them that fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pities his children, So The Lord pities them that fear him" (Psalm 103:11-12). God has not changed. He still loves His children and calls them to Him. He is a God of second chances.

Rescue or Trap?

Pat is near death when a helicopter hovers over him. He climbs aboard with his last ounce of strength. Then he notices the pilot. He wore a spiked helmet, and his torso was covered with gray metallic armor that gleamed in the light. Pat stared out the window. They were approaching the mountain where he had seen the red light descend. Suddenly, he knew where they were heading.

Out of Desperation

Only when we get really down, when we lose something that is precious to us, do we stop to think about our blessings. It is also a time to look inward and see where we are and what we are doing. Pat is beginning to realize what he has lost. He doesn't know that he hasn't reached bottom yet. As dire as his circumstances now seem, they will only get worse. All the while, he is seeking a way out of his dreadful life. He yearns to be back with his family and friends and completing the plans he has for his life. Pal also doesn't know that God has plans for him that he cannot imagine. Will he find a way to escape, or will he give up and die?

Secret Antarctic German Bases

Did the Germans build secret bases in the Antarctic to hide their work on flying saucers? Did German flying saucers defeat Admiral Byrd's Operation Highjump expedition to Antarctica to route the Germans? See and hear the story from a Russian viewpoint. Other documents and website support the Russian explanation.

Untested and Unproven

The Air Force has not had time to test its new supersonic space fighter, the F-N3. Suddenly Mason and Pat have to take it against the anomaly threatening our world. The orb is as large as our moon and full of enough atomic energy to disintegrate Earth. Will it destroy the F-N3 before the space fighter's crew destroys it? Is the F-N3's weapon system strong enough to win the battle?

Only Two Days Left

Trapped in a blizzard in the southwest desert, Pat has only two days to warn someone of Armageddon. But no one can hear him. How can he warn the world when it seems not even God is listening? Did God create the world and mankind and then walk away and leave us to fight for ourselves? Or does he watch over us and take care of us? Is God in control, or is He not hearing Pat's prayer? Wounded and sick, Pat barely has the strength to keep calling on the radio. Will anyone hear him?

Not Good Enough

Pat has been having evil thoughts about Scott, who is wooing Christine. Pat wants to become a Christian, but he feels he is too bad for God to forgive. Doesn't he know that God forgave King David for committing adultery with Bathsheba and having her husband Uriah killed to cover up his crime? That God forgave Saul for persecuting the church and having Christians killed, and that this same Saul became the great apostle, Paul? If we confess our sins, God is willing to forgive us (1 John 1:9).

The Cabal

A rumor abounds that for centuries a group of rich and powerful men controls what happens on Earth. This group works in secret and has more power than any nation's government or the United Nations. It influences the decisions made by the leaders and lawmakers of all nations in in regards to energy, space, even the rise and fall of nations. Aliens may be in control of its policies, and it gets its finances through drugs, international sex rings, and intergalactic slave trade. It's called The Cabal.

Armageddon Foretold

Pat is having bad dreams. He doesn't know it, but they are omens of a battle. The enemy is so powerful and fierce, with weapons too advanced for Earth to fight. Pat has to find Twin Mountains. He thinks salvation awaits him there. What he doesn't understand is that the enemy is carrying out its plans deep inside the Twin Mountains. Will Pat discover them in time?

Secret Space Programs

President Reagan wrote on June 11, 1985, "I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people." How is that possible when our space shuttles held fewer than 10 people? Ben Rich, the director of Lockheed's Skunk Works from 1975 to 1991, supposedly said in 1993, "We have enough technology to take ET home." via @sharethis

To Worship?

In Ouima's world, everything is pulling Pat away from God. He used to think he had no need for God, and he refused to listen when others tried to teach him. What is it about this service that makes him stop and think? What is it that he realizes? But is it too late for him to find God, especially when worshiping the true God will cost him his life?

First Test

Pat has to pass many tests if he wants to survive. The first test means giving up his U.S. and Earth citizenship. Will he do it? Can he pass the remaining tests and maintain his integrity? This test is his first realization of what he will have to do to stay alive. The worst part is that he is all alone, with no one to help him. Is anyone looking for him?

Do I Love My Dad?

A young man's identity and self-esteem are formed by the male figures in his life. His father plays the most important role. Many fathers love their children and do appropriate things to show their love. Sadly, other fathers don't care, are absent, or love their sons but don't know how to show that love. As a young man grows, searching for insights into his relationship with his father, his question may always be "Does my father love me?" If he feels neglected or forsaken by his father, his question then turns to "Do I love my father?"

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