Authorpreneur Dashboard – Dominic Roma

Dominic  Roma

Walls 2 Bridges: Deciding to Thrive


Dominic narrates his journey from committing a gruesome homicide at the age of thirteen to becoming a productive, thriving member of society. He also guides you through the steps that are essential for thriving. Embrace this opportunity to destroy the walls and seize control of your happiness by building bridges over which you can connect with genuine happiness. Decide to thrive!

Book Bubbles from Walls 2 Bridges: Deciding to Thrive


Experience is always the most power form of influence. My experience influenced me to become a better person and to help others decide to thrive as well.

My Intention

I completely understand the truth about the whole leading a horse to water idea. No matter how thirsty somebody is, they are completely responsible for taking a drink. My intent is to share my amazing experiences and hopefully provide you with some perspective for your own experience.

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