Authorpreneur Dashboard – Diana Marie DuBois

Diana Marie DuBois

Voodoo Vows: Voodoo Vows #1


Rosie Delacroix returns to New Orleans after her mother’s disappearance, is pulled into an unimagined world and gets more than she bargained for. Ensconced in the life of magic and voodoo, she’s surrounded by unlikely allies. Julian Quibodeaux, an old flame, re-enters her life and their love is once again reignited like dry tinder to a flame. However, he’s been cursed and unaware he holds a terrible secret…One that could destroy their relationship. She’ll be tested in many ways, to save the man she loves. Will her friends, and an unusual new-found gift, be enough for her to survive her journey?

Book Bubbles from Voodoo Vows: Voodoo Vows #1


One of my sensual beginning sex scenes.

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