Authorpreneur Dashboard – Debbie Lamperd

Debbie   Lamperd

The Well: Revealing the Hidden Nature of Reality

Religion & Spirituality

Is there more to life than you have ever been told? Maybe there is a greater purpose and meaning behind the events in your life that have left you in the deepest depths of despair. The Well uses a story of fiction to follow a woman named Lilly, who has lost all meaning in her life. In an accidental meeting with a man calling himself the Prophet, Lilly is led towards new knowledge and understanding in an attempt to prevent her from suicide. What secrets does he share with her? Is it true that she is more powerful than she has ever been told? Is there a greater synchronicity to life's events that she never realised. For those of you, like Lilly, who have a eyes ready to see and a heart ready to heal; this book is for you.

Book Bubbles from The Well: Revealing the Hidden Nature of Reality


The beginning chapter introduces you to the central character, Lilly, who has plummeted to the depths of despair following the death of her son and the abandonment of her husband. As she prepares for her final hours, having decided to end her life, Lilly wanders through her home in a state of reminiscence.

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