Authorpreneur Dashboard – Dawn Clark

Dawn  Clark

Squiggly Gets Glasses

Children's Books

Squiggly just wants to fit in, but it's hard when he looks so different from the other squirrels at school. And the class bully, Archie, doesn't make it any easier. But, with the help of his good friends and some great adults, Squiggly learns that being different doesn't have to be hard---it can be fun! Squiggly realizes just how special he is, how great making new friends can be, and that he doesn't have to look like anyone else, he just has to look like Squiggly!

Book Bubbles from Squiggly Gets Glasses

Being different makes life interesting!!!

We all worry about fitting in. Squiggly is no different. But after getting blue glasses. His confidence soars. I want to be like Squiggly.

Bullying is unacceptable.

Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior. Squiggly be-friends his bully and teaches other children how to deal with bullying in a non-aggresive way. And comes out on top!!! Yeah Squiggly!!!

Squiggly doesn't like being different.

Squiggly looks different than the other squirrels. He doesn't like being different. ( We all feel that way sometimes.) Squiggly learns how to deal with bullying in a fun and brave way.

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