Authorpreneur Dashboard – David Staniforth

David  Staniforth

Imperfect Strangers 1st person

Book Bubbles from Imperfect Strangers 1st person

Imperfect Strangers

Book Bubbles from Imperfect Strangers

Imperfect strangers

Book Bubbles from Imperfect strangers

Imperfect Strangers

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

How well do you know the people you see every day? Sally hardly knows Keith. They're practically strangers until the day she smiles at him. Would you smile so readily if you risked losing your friends? Would you smile so readily if you risked losing your life? Unfortunately, you can’t begin to know a person until you let them in. Imperfect Strangers: A psychological thriller that simmers to a dark and dramatic climax.

Book Bubbles from Imperfect Strangers

Keith's thoughts

When it comes down to it, do we know those we are close to any better than we know perfect strangers? What faults do they have? What vices and peculiarities of which we are totally unaware?

Imperfect Strangers 1st person

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

How well do you know the people you see every day? Sally hardly knows Keith. They're practically strangers until the day she smiles at him. Would you smile so readily if you risked losing your friends? Would you smile so readily if you risked losing your life? Unfortunately, you can’t begin to know a person until you let them in. Imperfect Strangers: A psychological thriller that simmers to a dark and dramatic climax.

Book Bubbles from Imperfect Strangers 1st person

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