Authorpreneur Dashboard – David Paul Smith

David Paul Smith

The Scarlet Pig

Children's Books

The Scarlet Pig is a fun book about a Pirate Pig named Peg who flys a plane called the Scarlet Pig. The only problem with that is that she is afraid of heights and has to fly upside down so she can’t see how high in the sky she is, which then makes her sick. She has a mortal enemey called McGinley, who is a fish. See what happens when McGinley owes Peg money. The Scarlet Pig is a good read by itself, but it also links in with a classroom behaviour system. If you are interested in having Piggybucks in your classroom please contact me via the contact details section on the website. The Piggbuck Bank is currently under development for distribution and will be available for sale soon.

Book Bubbles from The Scarlet Pig

The Scarlet Pig

Why would a pig wear a patch over it's eye ? Why would a fish be interested in enacting revenge? Find out in The Scarlet Pig on the iBook store, search for The Scarlet Pig or books by David Paul Smith.

The Scarlet Pig

There was a pirate pilot who sailed the skies above.

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