Authorpreneur Dashboard – David Hadley

David  Hadley

Juggling Balls

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Martin Laws hates mysteries.  So why has someone sent him a bag of juggling balls?  Why has he no memory of buying a new computer? Why has that new computer decided Martin needs to go shopping? Why does a hairstylist he's never met before keep saluting him? Most of all, why are so many Elvis impersonators trying to kill him? Juggling Balls - a science fiction comedy featuring time travel, mind control implants and a future religion that claims an Elvis Presley clone as its saviour.  Oh, and an interplanetary terraced house.

Book Bubbles from Juggling Balls

The Professor's Office

Here Martin comes in to contact with two police officers at the scene of an explosion. A scene where there are some more of the mysterious juggling balls that set this whole train of events in motion for Martin He hopes he will never see those two police officers again... but he does and quite soon. Although, not in a place he would ever have expected.

Boiler Room

Martin Laws survives the first - of many - attempts to kill him and he is saved, the first of many times, by Mandy.

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