Authorpreneur Dashboard – Daniel Robert Hawker

Daniel Robert Hawker

The Gem of Zyenar

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Helkin Stormblade is a dwarf who has lived in Ironhold Mountain his entire life. He is the second in command. When a gem is stolen that was buried deep under the mountain and the king is wounded, he must return the gem to save his king and the city before it's too late.

Book Bubbles from The Gem of Zyenar

The day that changed everything

This chapter sets everything in motion. Here is where we find out what happens to Ghuri to make him turn on Thundrak and thus putting the entire city of Ironhold Mountain in peril. More details are given about the dwarves and their lives which brings the reader closer to them developing a bond.

Ironhold Mountain

This excerpt gives you a peak inside the city of Ironhold Mountain. The men and women are competing against one another and the city is full of life. No one suspects anything could happen in the idealic home.

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