Authorpreneur Dashboard – C Shell

C  Shell

Chasing Karma


My name is Karma Gallo. If you’ve heard of me, I am sure you're remembering a story about a police raid, missing person report, or an FBI probe into my family. My father is a Chicago mob boss, and I’m his little principessa—the heir apparent with no life of my own. But in twelve days my life will change. College will do that to a girl. So will the frat boy and the bad boy—two panty-dampening guys throwing around the testosterone. They both want to help me with my panties, but what else do they want? And do I care?

Book Bubbles from Chasing Karma

Mafia Princess

I wanted to blend in and be normal for a while, instead I'm all twisted up over a sexy guy who's hiding secrets of his own. Nothing is ever as it seems.

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