Authorpreneur Dashboard – Craig Wilson

Craig  Wilson

God The Devil And I

Biographies & Memoirs

God, The Devil And I is a memoir/biography of Jack Jones. A Christian book at it's heart. God inspired. An epic journey and extraordinarily incomprehensible life alchemy experiences. Born an orphaned runt, mute, and into poverty. Unaided and lacking in support. Left abandoned. An underdog in every social situation. Has been called by God to fight as a warrior, as David did with Goliath. But appointed by the Devil for death and destruction. A journey of long suffering, fortitude and perseverance. Born into a dysfunctional family juxtaposed to a melancholic council housing estate, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England. Unidentified by family and teachers. Bereft, failing, weak, and vulnerable. A test of survival. Coping and enduring battles, conflicts, detractors and antagonists. Missing a sole defender, saviour or white knight. A book of faith and hope.

Book Bubbles from God The Devil And I

The Room

Jack spent nearly six years cocooned, marooned and in incubation. Solitary confinement. A wilderness, barren, desert experience. A time to evaluate, ponder, reflect, in the midst of a labyrinth of tumult and despair. An epiphany, revelation and insight to be exposed. An awakening, restorative process, set apart for the potter's wheel of dismantling, reverse engineering, and breaking down. To be malleable enough to begin the process of a new beginning. A new creation. From the ground up.

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