Authorpreneur Dashboard – Craig Biehl

Craig  Biehl


Christian Books & Bibles

To know that God does not exist requires knowledge about everything in the universe and beyond. How, then, can Mr. A know God does not exist when he doesn’t even know the contents of Mr. C’s brown box or remember where he put the car keys?

Book Bubbles from THE BOX

Be Encouraged!

Having felt the scorn of sophisticated atheists and their arguments, I was delighted to find that behind every argument against Christ and Scripture rest unsupportable assumptions of faith. For instance, an atheist would need to know everything about the universe and beyond to know that God does not exist--a difficult task for one limited to five senses and 3 or 4 dimensions, who has difficulty remembering where he or she put the car keys. And yet thick books are written expounding what cannot possibly be known by mere mortals. God is infinite, and if He does not reveal Himself to us, we cannot know what He is like. In other words, apart from the revelation of God, we are left to the limits of our imagination, which determines nothing about ultimate realities. Whether or not God exists, and what He could or could not do if He did exist, cannot possibly be known by anyone apart from the revelation of God, which atheists reject. Thus, they are left to guessing about that which they cannot possibly know, by which we need not be intimidated. So, be encouraged.

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