Authorpreneur Dashboard – Colby Sutter

Colby  Sutter

Freedom Clause 14 Amendments to Freedom

Christian Books & Bibles

What do you do when you go "All in for God" and you are still filled with feelings of anger, depression, Un-forgiveness, hopelessness?

Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from Freedom Clause 14 Amendments to Freedom

I am a hope dealer

You want hope in life? Than change your image, how you see yourself. This will give you hope. Hope will force you to change your choices and goals. This book will help you get hope back, show you how to get a new image, how to create a new vision for your life.

chapter 9 choices, vision, purpose

If you want to over come in life, get hope back, joy, find your purpose, your vision in life. Than pick up your copy of Freedom Clause 14 Amendments to Freedom today.

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