Authorpreneur Dashboard – Cindy Yee Kong

Cindy Yee Kong

The Eyes of the Lion

Biographies & Memoirs

Cindy Yee Kong began life as a normal little girl in Hong Kong until a crippling disease stole her ability to run and jump and talk normally with friends and family. Saddled with a rare disease and an abusive, unsupportive family-- plus the incredible struggle of adapting to life in the United States--Cindy Yee Kong fought to find strength within herself to escape to a life of happiness, support, and love. A former social worker, the author now inspires those who are struggling with life’s hardships.

Book Bubbles from The Eyes of the Lion

My Brothers

This was a scene where my brother, Forrest, built a close relationship with this kid, Iddle, but neglected ours. I admired my brother but he want nothing to do with me. Was it my disability and gender?

The Abuse

This is the chapter where I share my abusive upbringing from early childhood to young adolescent. I was able to escape it temporary from going away for college. During school breaks, I would faced my abuser again. How did I survive in the midst of these turmoil? I wonder about this from times to times and it boiled down to these simple truth: hard work, faith, and perseverance.

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